Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thankful Tuesday

A friend suggested "Thankful Thursday" as a blog topic.   It didn't seem like a topic I'd ever use ... but I am thankful today for several things.

1.  A caring, and compassionate Veterinarian.  A few years ago our dog's Vet retired and a new 'kid' took over.  I wasn't too sure about him - he was so young - but I have grown to really like him.  He seems to truly care about my Buddy, greeting him and talking to him before he talks to me.  Probably the hardest part of their job is dealing with upset owners.  Yesterday, after given a possible diagnosis, I became one of those upset owners.  Our doctor handled it very well, which helped me greatly. 

2.  Coworkers that would rather help you find another job, than lose you completely.  I have a few people that I work with that feel this way.  Things aren't going so well at my job - new management, new philosophies, and I'm feeling that it's time for me to leave my department.  There are a couple of people that I confide in, and they keep their eyes and ears open for opportunities for me.   As much as they don't want me to leave the position I'm in right now, they also don't want me to leave the company. 

3.  The Disney Fan Community.   I am fortuante to have friends all over this country.  I rarely see any of them, but I consider them all to be good friends.  I developed this circle of friends through online Disney fan communities.  You know - forums, podcasts, weekly newsletters, fan websites, etc.  You get involved in conversations, next thing you know you are traveling to places like Orlando or Anaheim to meet up with these people.  Sometimes you plan whole vacations with your "Disney friends".  In fact, I can go to any US Disney park, at any time of year, and run into people that I know.   How cool is that!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Movie Review Monday

Okay, so I didn't watch anything this weekend that struck me as a really good movie.  Some hits and misses.

Disney's Haunted Mansion - yes, it's crap and we all know it, but I wanted to see the set pieces.  And from that point of view, it was a pretty good film.   I give it a D for story, an A- for set pieces and attention to detail.

The Messenger - interesting movie about 2 soldiers assigned to deliver the news to families of fallen soldiers.  It did keep my attention, and the personal struggles the two men go through are valid.  Both actors, Ben Foster and Woody Harrelson, did a good job of portraying their individual issues.  I give it a B.

Another movie I watched yesterday was Toy Story 2.  Yes, we've all seen this one - many times in some cases.  And that's what is so great about this movie.  The story is told so well, and there are so many funny moments - I can watch it over and over again.  And the end credits?  You got to stay for those!   :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally Friday! and now for part II of Travel Thursday

Let's see, where did we leave off?  Oh yea, we were headed down the Cape.  Stopped at Boulders Beach to visit the penguins.

Before I go further, I wanted to share a few more pictures from our lion encounter.   The first is the big male and the female.  They seemed to like this little tree and I've got quite a few good shots of them here.

The next couple of pictures are from the lion kill sequence that I shot.  They don't require a lot of explanation, and what I found really interesting was that after the female caught the animal, the big male approached and she turned it over to him to complete 'the kill'.  He then sauntered off to dine.  The whole event took less than 5 minutes, and I think the entire jeep was holding their breath!

Okay, enough of lions - back to the Cape.  As I mentioned yesterday, we visited with the penguins.  We also saw baboons on the side of the road, and ostrich on the beach!

After the trip down the Cape, we headed back into Cape Town.  Spent some time on the waterfront, enjoying lunch in an outdoor cafe.  Very nice city.  Then back to Johannesburg, and my return trip to the states. 

By the way - it took 42 hours from the time I left Joburg, to the time I arrived home in Eastern Washington.  Flew from Johannesburg to Dubai, then on to New York, Salt Lake City, and finally home.  Certainly a trip I would take again, but next time I'm staying longer than a week!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Travel Thursday!

No, we aren't actually going anywhere ... sorry.  I've decided that Thursday is a good day to talk about travel.  It's almost the weekend, and you need that little something extra to get through the last work day - right??

Today's location is South Africa.  My husband spent 18 months working in Johannesburg, and I was lucky enough to visit for a week in early 2007.  What an interesting and incredible place.  Many good things, many not so good.

Johannesburg was not my favorite.  Would have been better but for the poverty and crime that was EVERYWHERE!  Husband's apartment was broken into, while he slept, 3 days after I left.  Not fine.

We spent a couple of days at a private game reserve.  This was the Africa that I think we all want to see.  Vast open space, wild animals, and the growl of a lion nearby.  Yes, this lion was very near our camp.  The resort offered game drives twice a day.  On our first morning out, we came upon this gorgeous lion and 2 of his friends - a smaller male and a young female.  We stopped in the middle of the field and observed the 3 of them for quite some time.  The female eventually wandered off, and we noticed that the male had focused on something.  Didn't take long to see the female crouched near a bush, maybe 100 yards in front of our jeep.  We realized she had her eye on a young wildebeast.  Then, right there in front of us, she took off after that wildebeast and ran him down.  We witnessed a real lion kill!  I felt like I was watching the Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom! 

After our game reserve adventures, we headed back to Johannesburg for a short flight to Cape Town.  I really enjoyed Cape Town.  Had a very different feel from Johannesburg.  More continental, cleaner, safer.  We rented a car and drove down the eastern side of the Cape to Boulders Beach.  A beach you say?  what's the big deal?  Well, let me tell you - PENGUINS!  These little guys were all over the beach, close enough to touch! 

Stay tuned . . . part II of S.Africa coming soon!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Daily Dose of ??

I have not developed the blogging habit as I had hoped.  Maybe I need a daily theme?  I've seen other blogs that use things like "Wordless Wednesday" or "Two-fer Tuesday".

What do you think?  I do like Wordless Wednesday - I can post a picture from my collection each week.

What other daily ideas are there?   Share your ideas if you want ... and thanks!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sad little blog

I'm sorry I've ignored you.  Sometimes I get caught up in my own issues and putting thought to paper falls on my priority list.

I will try to do better!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pet Peeve of the Week

Women (and men I’m sure) who talk on their cell phone, while in the bathroom stall!   C’mon, is it really that important?!!?




Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Power of the Dog

An excerpt from “The Power of the Dog”

-Rudyard Kipling

there is sorrow enough in the natural way
from men and women to fill our day
but when we are certain of sorrow in store
why do we always arrange for more?
brothers and sisters I bid you beware
of giving your heart for a dog to tear